Health and work are the focus this week. You may feel the results for this takes a toll on your well-being.
It’s up to you to draw boundaries w it bout being too confrontational, by communicating your needs to your employer and others. At the same time it will be easy to find fault and criticize, but
dong this only serves to alienate your peers
KARMA: Tact, tolerance and understanding will smooth over problems easily.
In the area of work it’ll be easy to be disagreeable and not take into consideration the opinions of others that aren’t in line with your way of thinking. You should at least consider that, obviously they’re looking at things from a different perspective and therefore things that you haven’t seen/observed are yet to be discovered.
KARMA: You don’t have the answer for everything.
Regardless how many struggles /difficulties you’re faced with you must keep composure and integrity. What you’re experiencing is part of the “journey” to “polish” the facets of your character for empowerment. Most of all be aware of how you present yourself to others/how they see you, it matters. Any risks taken must be well thought out first.
KARMA: Sensitivity to
If you find it hard to interact with a certain woman this week, avoid being either overly agreeable/disagreeable, it will only make things worse than they need to be. DIn addition, there will be a crisis in the home/family environment, that involves taking care of personal needs whether of Self or others. It’s not going to be an easy week, but you should still be open to helping where needed, which will facilitate to minimize the focus on what you don’t have and is yet to be gained/achieved.
KARMA: It’s important to move with the ebb/flow of life cycles.
You may think and feel your projects, plans and ideas are right on target and cannot fail, however, when you share them with. others, most likely they won’t feel the same way. Listen to what they have to say because there are “gems of truth” in their perspectives , that could be of great benefit to you.
KARMA: Learn to balance feelings with heart and thoughts with words.,
You may experience friction with others when it comes to present ideas and new strategies. Regardless of the fact that you maybe right in your assessment and perspectives , try to avoid “forcing” these ideologies onto others, they will resist and the result will be unnecessary conflict. This will create dislike between you and them.
Speak with confidence, but not in a way that comes across as demeaning to others.
KARMA: Give and take is the key to resolving contentious issues.
There’s a need this week to be practical and realistic in all risk taking ventures, that, If they fail could be disastrous. Avoid looking at things and people with “rose-colored” glasses. You have to deal with the realities you’re faced with good and bad in order to have positive outcomes. Especially involving creative projects. Take into consideration, there’s always room for improvement and adjustments.
KARMA: Be mindful of Cause and Affect
You may not fully understand why people in authority/power are unable to align themselves with your objectives and goals, The reason is you’re not passionate enough about what you’re trying to convey, therefore these individuals are not convinced. Ultimately, you must find a way to restructure your words/delivery of ideas to certain individuals, in such a way that is simple, straightforward and easy to understand.
KARMA: Learn to be independent of others for growth, progress and security. Be less available all the time.
The Saturn retrograde in Pisces, affects your house of money, material possessions and self-worth and personal resources. This is a cycle that will activate your ability to create and manifest very easily, but the issues to look at with this transit are that of making sure there is a firm foundation underneath each idea. Also issues of self-worth and self-confidence will be set in motion. You’re able to “see” very clearly what you need to do , but the question is how are you going to get there. This will be the focus of Saturn retrograde. Deal with the reality of what needs to be done to brings these money-making ideas to fruition and also build a solid foundation of making money. The old way no longer works.
In all forms of communication be careful with thought word and deed, in order to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
KARMA: Paint a new canvas of ideas with care and caution.
In the area of joint financial partnerships, keep a close eye on what is going on and behind the scenes. If you feel something is wrong there problem is and it would be in your best interests to try and resolve whatever the underlying problem is. Trust your instincts and if you feel you would prefer to keep quite bout your perceptions, eels quiet until the time is right to speak up.
KARMA: That which is hidden will eventually be revealed